Since its inception in the late 80's the Sales Activity Manager has taken pride in its ease of use and "no need of" a manual approach. Most users don't need any instruction whatsoever. This is what the loosely used term "user friendly" is all about! because it had to be back in those days, yet retaining a very powerful common sense sales system ideology. The principle is simple, a valuable sales lead is always on the active screen until it is sold or not sold with a documented reason. No more lost or guessing games of where the sales leads have gone. They naturally progress through 3 stages: New calls, Appointments, and if necessary, Callback dates. How simple is that!
The SalesActivityManager is a comprehensive lead and sales management system, offering the sales professional a totally integrated, one-stop, sales and lead tracking solution in the simplest and most useful form, unlike other CRM programs that are so user complex and over powering rendering the user confounded and overtaken by its unnecessary complexities. Contrary to non-computerized systems, in which leads often get lost on salesman’s' matchbook covers or are not followed up in a timely fashion, leads entered into the SalesActivityManager cannot get lost and will not escape the sales professional's attention and be allowed to age. Once a lead is entered, it will doggedly remain in the system until it is declared unsold or unsalable. Hence the status of all outstanding leads is always apparent and instantly accessible, readily available to be dealt with immediately. The Leads/Records can then be filtered and updated by all or individual salespersons in an unique and innovative fool proof, easy to use and update Follow Up system.
Numerous, easily-accessible techniques are available for locating precisely that information which is needed by the user at the present time. This may, for instance, include all currently unsold or undetermined leads, or a precise lead based on a name or phone number. This Sales lead application, SalesActivityManager, makes for easy, fast, and thorough retrieval and examination of information. No more searching under a mound of papers on the desktop. Precise information is a keystroke or two away!
External communications with salespeople, personal referrals, and customers is made possible through the use of reports, form letters, and E-mail. Salespeople can be advised of their performance through a detailed report; customers can be sent letters or E-mails of appreciation and questionnaires, or be advised of new products, Offers, service and warranty policy changes; referrers can be sent promotional gratuities, etc. The crm program, SalesActivityManager, leads do not remain static entries on a list, but become part of a dynamic link between the sales department and people with whom it is required to communicate.
Because The SalesActivityManager is a thorough information tracking and reporting system, the user can access a variety of vital statistics concerning sales. This variety is virtually limitless in that the user can choose the criteria which define the statistical data being sought. Hence, one can choose to derive statistical information on the reasons why a particular product or set of products are not selling as well as they should be in a particular territory; or which salesperson has the highest sales for a particular period; or how many leads were generated by an advertising campaign in various locations, etc. With The SalesActivityManager, guesswork disappears; sound decisions can be made on the basis of accurate, thorough, and up-to-date information.
The Sales Lead Application, SalesActivityManager, is not just another database but more importantly incorporates a SALES SYSTEM unlike all the others that are simply glorified databases. The program follows the sales record progress through the system from NEW LEAD to APPOINTMENT to a SALE or if necessary FOLLOWUP and the eventual SALE or NON Sale.
"This program will quite simply make you money, no BS" and it's so easy to use a complete tech zero can use it immediately.
What else can I say just try it, you have nothing to lose, I guarantee it."
R. Di Salvo CEO
Sales Activity Manager
Crm Sales Management Inc.